Congratulations from everyone at the Savile Row Bespoke Association go to the new Master and Wardens of the Merchant Taylors’ Company, who took up their positions on July 15th.
As has happened for centuries now, the Master and Wardens who have looked after the Company for the past year hand over keys and documents to their successors, who are entrusted with the care of the Company for the next twelve months, on Handover Day. Held at the Merchant Taylors’ Hall, the ceremony marks the end of one Mastership year and the start of another.
Pictured, left to right, are Mr Andrew Moss (Second Upper Warden), Mr John Price (First Upper Warden), Mr Nicholas Hunter Jones (Master), Mr Christopher Keville (Upper Renter Warden) and Alderman Nicholas Lyons (Under Renter Warden).
Two days later, the new Master presided over a Bindings and Admissions event at which the Company formally admitted its new members. Among them this year were two from the tailoring world: Ms Victoria Townsend, who founded and runs The London Academy of Bespoke, and Miss Jorden Barratt, owner of Jorden Elizabeth Tailoring. Both have become Merchant Taylors’ Company Freemen.
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